Hidaka Kombu is collected in the Hidaka region of Hokkaido. Hidaka Kombu is known for being wildly grown as it does not need to be tended by man. It is greenish-black and thick with a meaty texture. After collecting, fishermen dry this Kombu under the sun as opposed to others that dry by machine. Because of this, once put into water, this Kombu will expand faster and larger than other types of Kombu. The meaty texture and softness make Hidaka Kombu cook quickly and it is hearty enough to eat as a main meal. Hidaka Kombu also holds its shape through the cooking process. It is great for making Kombumaki (Kombu rolled up with fish and vegetables) and Oden(hot pot stews with vegetables and fish cakes) as it is easily added to your favorite meals. Hidaka Kombu is the most popular types of Kombu in the Kanto region of Japan. It has a distinctive flavor known as Umami which has become more common in Japanese cuisine.